Rigveda summary -Teachings from Rigveda in sukta 3 and 4

LETS continue… our Rigveda’s summary in sukta 3 and 4


I heartily prayer to Ashiwani Kumar, vishve devta, Maa Sarasvati and Indra God in the Gayatri chhand in this sukta part 3 and 4.

                                                         Respect Guest

A famous saying in previous times was that ‘Guests are like Godsand I don’t know “In whom form God comes to your home. So respect all comings and not let anyone go without give something to eat and drink as per showing respect. Also to not give them ort meal


  If one want to be successful in life 
  • Be patient in stressful situation.
    Always disciplined in everyday life
    Be soft speaker.
     Have kind heart.
    Be compassionate towards colleagues and self.
    Be helpful.
    Truth speaker
    Ready to fight obstacles  
  • Doing result oriented work 
  • Work with passion not duty
  • Enjoy your work



Many one got success in life but not a soft speech towards people, not understand staff problem. So if want to achieve great success in life means get place in people heart then be a good person love all be kind to all then people have faith in you and give respect by real heart  

  Speak with wisdom and truth

Be careful about what you speak, whom to speak and when to speak. We all know people like to hear only those who speak wise in a soft and calm way. Also if one’s habit to speak a lie ,its hard for surrounding peoples to keep faith them next time. Also this habit of tell a lie makes one unable to accept their mistakes even for a small one.


Courageous and Risk Taker

Be a fighter not a looser. Don’t be afraid of problems life is school of learning . And there is no age for learning . We are here to learn and teach one other means we are teacher as well as students. Every problems and struggle helps to teach something in life and to make stronger for next phases of life.

And good time for relaxation and enjoy the rewards of hard work in our life.


Materialistic Gain with Purity

 3d concepts of luxuries


People racing for luxuries and comfort life, May use short tricks and shortcuts for it . There is competition in every field .In education students compete for rank 1, higher paid jobs . In relationships competition for good looking grooms and bride, rich husband , beautiful wife , big house . A common race for more and more Bank deposits for future and future generation.

 Spiritual Concepts of Gaining Luxuries


 If we agree or not spirituality has a direct impact on our life.

1.Competition is not a bad thing but competition with other is a bad. We have to compete with ourselves for our progress like study hard for rank 1 since own desire not influenced or in competition to shows others.

 2.If we work on self growth then jealously, anger , competition, irritation , inferiority complex like all energies not effect us since we working as per heart desires and self growth not in racing with others.

3.Spirituality says rather we desire name, fame, love , money but don’t hurt anyone when try to gaining this.

4.Have a pure mindset why you want this like you want beautiful wife then have a mindset of not to show others so that others jealous of you, are you not think that others with not a beautiful wife goes in inferior. Also Are you love her as per beauty only.

Manifestation works at high vibes only.

5.No shortcuts do hard work for your desired life

6.Good karma parallelly as i say before not hurt others for your benefits, not keep feeling of resentment, not cheat others. Karma is a big role of our destiny.

7.Forgive easily and let go .Heart center plays big role in manifestation. Grudges, unforgiveness, guilt, jealous block this heart chakra center.

8.Helps needy people . God help those who help others.

9.Read or hear spiritual Gyan. This is only way helps us to differences between right and wrong.


Wisdom has no endings. As much we gain wisdom as we connected to our higher self and divine. Wisdom is the food of our soul means provide nourishment to our soul by making our thoughts pure . And connects us with the right way and right neediness of earning luxuries .As every action before implementation  starts at mind  at thoughts level and so our karma half part is already decided by our thoughts and so the feelings and intention behind it.

“Thoughts become words ” “words become actions” “actions become habits” “habits become character ” and “character become destiny “

Or its not wrong to say “your thoughts become your destiny ”

Subconscious mind

The root behind every action or we can say our destiny is thoughts either conscious or come from prestored subconscious mind. Since we know our body senses works as brain give its a signal our thoughts goes to brain and action is started as prestored data in subconscious mind how to behave at a specific thoughts .Since its not a one day process we continuously put information in our mind according’s to our wisdom which got stored in subconscious mind.

” your surroundings is reflects your thoughts only”

Just feel the world is same as feel your inside world.



Good work ,Good qualities and Good people always in a memory. Always be appreciated. Its always to be good if there is equal give and take between two people but instead other person not behaving as well a good person always behave nicely. His behavior not depends on circumstances. But either one say or not in deeper knowing of our soul we appreciate only goodness and forever.

Goodness and purity is a foundation of us , we soul.

  Keep your plan secret until not succeed

1)Hold that positive energy inside you

Everything is energy even our thoughts. What we not say means just hold that energy inside us. And that energy pushes us to act accordingly .Because that energy and its related thoughts stored in our subconscious mind and sends our conscious mind signal to act on time by time.

2)Protect your energy

There is a negativity in our environment due to negative thinking pattern of people about self and others. People are not happy and not want others to be happy as trapped in a world of desires which has no end. When one disclose their plans its may a chance others got triggered by it since a lack mentality of that other person .Lack mentality because of self failures , competitive nature or may other means. And that impose you a negative energy intentionally or un intentionally sometimes. This can called nowadays a “Evil Eye “.And your work got effected.

3)  Secretively execute your real plan to a final step                                                .

If you change your plan in between no one knows .And disturb  yours energy by saying anything ,doing abrupt behavior and trying to dominate you. As people now-a-days are more interested in others work and life matters.

Hold positive energy in and give order every negativity to go out

                                                                               Always open for Gyan

Obliged to take wisdom no matter what your age and age of that person who give you Gyan. Gyan is neither to do with age. Change the mindset of wisdom increases with age. More precious than a Gold and more cheapest than anything if one open to take it and use it as our life situations every time teaches us a new lesson. Also if there is situation to hear low vibrational words of a wise person than also hear it but focus on grasp wisdom from them. One should connect themselves with a source of Gyan lifetime for make their and loved ones life beautiful.

                                             Don’t involve in gossip

1.Don’t participate in people gatherings involve in complaining about you or other person. Just ignore it no one is perfect so not argue to proof something.

2Its also create karma between peoples as you send low vibrational energy towards other .These complain is a negative low vibes energy. See the goodness only in others to make every relation beautiful as all have some demerits and all do mistakes as well.

Patiently do hardwork

Don’t be upset when see others  getting results in short time or for a less effort. All have different journey and life karma. Greater Success need patience hardwork faith and consistency with dedication.

Talents always self finds a way no need to proof it.

Greater company

Always keep together those habits, things, peoples and knowing’s with you who helps you to strength in tough time, make you a better person, helps you to grow as a soul, talk to you in high vibrational way, helps you in spiritual growth even those who punish you for you good life


One day you self become as great as your company

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